Tuesday, 7 April 2009

HTCMagicMobile = How This For Climbing

Vodafone and Google

How is this for climbing, from a 70 years young man,
who a few years ago, didn't know how to switch on
the bloody computer.

What I am trying to tell you,  if I can do this, so can you,
with help from your good friends.

Daily Traffic Rank on Alexa Search

Sunday    April 5th = 26,381,992 = Rank in The World.
Monday  April  6th = 16,820,204 = Rank in The World
Tuesday April  7th = 11,706,899  = Rank in The World

For someone like me, this is truely amazing.

My good friends, that help me, Steve, Leyton, Joseph,
and Vicki. You are right, I don't know how to build a
website, but I know how to pick good domain names,
get the website know, etc.

We have now update, the TelFriendsWorldwide Websites

If you want more details, just go to the sites.

By the way, thanks to my good friends, TelFriendsWorldwide,
is Flying across the internet, and getting bigger and better

Comments are most welcome, leave your links, so you can build
up your traffic, that what friends are for, good luck.

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