Sunday, 26 July 2009

Use Swine Flu is A Good Thing For Them.

Swine Flu :

How can one of the richest companies in The World,
get some much free advertising, traffic, and
promotion. " Fear "

Lots of people all over the world are talking and
promoting Swine Flu for them. " Fear ".

And I for one, will not be giving them any of my
money. " Fear " don't work on me.

If I get
Swine Flu, I just go to bed and rest.

Let me know what you think, I will in the next post,
tell you of other program or party that are rocking
the internet to.

But I will not be joining them both.

Hi Everyone, Welcome at all times, thanks for dropping
by!. Feel free to join the discussion by leaving your
comments. Leave your links, it could give you some good

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