Beside Good Friends Worldwide, we have Good Business Friends.
One of these is Alexa one of our best friend's on the Internet,
because, they are the top site for traffic information, in the World.
Where, do you think everyone on the internet go, to look for they
World traffic rankings.
Yes, that right Alexa the World best traffic ranking engine, you
will also find Alexa in China.
If you want to know the traffic ranking of Google then just go to
Alexa, if you want to know the traffic ranking of TelFriendsWorldwide
or any company that is getting traffic.
Now, a very good tip for you, which most people don't know about
and don't use. People write on blogs, forums, etc, to get people to
know about them and to get traffic. I also do this, but not many write
reviews on Alexa. How many customers do you think Google
Has Millions and Millions, more than anyone on the planet, now only
345 of them have write reviews, yes, I am one of them.
FaceBook has over 300 Million customers, on Alexa
with only 200 reviews, yes right again, I am one of them.
Now, are we getting traffic at TelFriendsWorldwide
You bet we are, this month sofar 1,840,048 Million Visitors
have come to our site. Now I do other things to get traffic also.
Now, I can not go without telling you about other of our best
business friends, on the internet and I can't understand anyone
knocking Google
I would not have my small business if it was not for Google
Start my business with very bad health and could not do anything
like running have, the girls or dig in my garden, any more.
I didn't have any money, so I went on the computer, they give
me and are still giving my free tools like this blog. Which I cannot
help, but thank them, they have forgive me, my many mistakes I
have made. And I think everyone on the Internet, should thank
them. I do not get paid anything for saying this.
I would like to thank all the other businesses, that have also help
me like Yahoo, etc.
So go over to Alexa and then write your reviews, you can, please
start by writing, one for us TelFriendsWorldwide
We only got, seven reviews and all that traffic waiting for you, what
are you waiting for.
Leave your Comments if you want to.
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