Tuesday, 10 August 2010

TelFriends, We Over The Moon, You Will Not Believe This.

Hi All,  Our Good Friends and Their Kids Worldwide.

My family and Friends, in my home town, Port Talbot in Wales,
United Kingdom, they all think I am a joke.
Our Town Leader, will not answer my emails or phone calls.
They, all think, I am wasting my time, trying to run a business
and wasting all my time, on the computer.

Now!, I believe the Joke is on them all, why, Joseph and me just
Bought a domain name call MobilesMonopoly

We bought  it, in a special offer for 99p, that less than one pound
in English money for MobilesMonopoly

Within, a week, we have turned this into being worth = Euros 90,666
Which is £75,583.92 in English Pounds

We, didn't value this, its been value by a company call Bizinformation

 Me and Joseph, now fight, who get the 92 pence ( only joking )

This is our fortunes, are made, sometime, with luck in the right place,
at the right time.

Our, fortunes, don't stop there. I started, our business  TelFriendsWorldwide
 Joseph Devries, join me and from that day it is Our Business.
Total true, we didn't have any money, Joseph, was a school boy at the time,
I am 70 years of age, with bad heart problems. You will not get any Bull S
from us, at any time.

Back to our fortunes,  we are rank number 1 in " Good Friends Worldwide "
by Site-Connect

On Alexa The World's ranking traffic search engine, Their 100 Top People Profile's
John Powell ( me) Rank 78 in The World.
In Alexa Their Top 500 People Profile's I am Rank 107 in The World.

I am Dyslexi and never had much schooling and can not write very well, that
why, people think, I am a joke, but this joke and Joseph, now write Reviews
on Alexa for some of the Biggest Companies on The Planet.

I wrote a Review on Alexa for,  AdMob which is own by Google at the time
of writing, I am the only person to do this, out of Millions and Millions that visit
this great site, on The Planet.

We, now own many websites and domain names and everyday our good fortune
just keep growing.

Who, would believe, that we have done this without money, who would believe
that we turn a 99p site into Euros 90,666 = £75,583.92 and its call :

MobilesMonopoly  go and take a look at it, for us, then it will even have
more value of us.

What, fools, we was, for even trying, no the fools, are the ones that don't even try.

Never, let anyone Steal Your Dream.

The great Value, we have, the great fortune we have is, " YOU "
All Our Good Friends and Their Kids Worldwide.

Thank You, All For Your Support.


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