Who would believe, when I started on the internet, a few years
ago, that this sick person with a very bad heart, who went, touch
and ago, twice with dead, once for eight hours, after a very bad
heart attack, which put me in hospital for over eight weeks,
then I had a triple bypass, which went wrong, and off I went
again for other 30 hours, to the other side. He did not want
me at that time, so back to life I came.
I was the wrong side of sixty, when I found the computer, did
not know how to put the thing on. On top of that I am and have
and always have been dyslexic, so I find writing anything very
hard and it take me years to write these posts. Don't sleep
much as I keep getting ideas, for businesses, etc.
I now know why? because I am a serial entrepreneur. Just so
different than most people.
The computer and the internet, boy, the crooks, had a field day
with me for many years, why? because I join program after
program, $1 dollar for 30days free trials, etc, which end up
taking all my money out of my bank more the once.
Read the post on this blog, call Auto Rebilling Is Often A Scam.
Learning about the internet, boy! did I make some mistakes,and
I will keep on making them, it is my big hope, not so many and
not so costly ones, next time. Why? do I make mistakes, because
I am human, and you keep growing by making them.
Now, some of the good things, that have happen to me.
I came up with the name TelFriends, and sold TelFriends.com
for some very good money, I now own many TelFriends names
and domains. My business is call TelFriendsWorldwide which
I am very proud of. I have be help by some many good companies,
and have so many first class friends Worldwide.
One of these company, has help more than most, and they need me
to say this, like a hole in the head, if I don't say this they
will close down, a joke. Google
If you going to only use one business on the internet, I would
make it Google, their free tools are simple the best.
I have made some very big friends on the internet, just to name
some of them, I can't name them all, because of the time and
space on the blog.
John Chalmers CEO of Wahdang, I thank him for making me :
The Wahdang World Ambassador.
Dr Glenn Gearharts CEO PinPay, SoftCard, Acapsecurity.
Dr Jim Claunch one of the nicest people you can do business with.
Mike Glaspic My Sponsor in SkyGuard one of the most successful
person on the internet, there are not many people that don't
know him on the internet.
I can go on and on, I now have true great friends worldwide,
which make me a very rich person, not in money I am always
This is what problems and mistakes do of you :
The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor
the man ( person) without trials.
After all my problems in life, I must be a GEM.
No person, ever became great except through many
and great mistakes - William Gladstone (1809-98 )
We make a living by what we get, we make a life
by what we give- Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Comments more welcome, leave your business links
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