Monday, 22 February 2010

If I Saw Anything I Like or Dislike ?

I have said that if I saw anything I dislike, in any
program,company or person, I would tell you all my
friends Worldwide, about it, then TelFriendsWorldwide
and myself, would just walk away, I will not waste
your time or my time, with crooks, there to many
of them in the World and on The Internet.

Now To The Point.

I have found, that one business is as good as its word,
I join sometime ago, then started to have dobts, because
the site would be down, then they said they lost their
host company, because someone had spammed them, then
they didn't pay out, on time, etc.

Well I stay with them, because, I started to have a few
problems with my sites. Now, I believe them to be a
above board company, because they are now paying out
and I have had my money, when I ask for it.

I for one will now start to promote and advertise this
business again, know now that they MyMoneyFish

Will pay you out. When I join I paid $9.98 Dollars and
just got pay out $59.00 Dollars, not a lot of money,
but put the $9.98 Dollars in your bank, and see what
you get, I can tell you not a lot. You would be able
to have a cup for coffee, out for it.

The trick now! is to get more people to join in

I will tell you all how much, I get paid next time.

This one Free, and possible the greatest of them all,
I have 2546 people in my downline, in just about 12 days,
this is so easy I can do it, one a month you send them
some car numbers, and you can earn money with them,
don't walk over bloody run and join is Free :


Now, this is not free, I have some sites I would like to sell:
Just go to TelFriendsWorldwide

Now! you can leave your comments,you can whine, moan, praise, recommend,
bitch or complain, you can leave your blog (s) or business (es)links.

But I will not have anything said about Google
I think a lot about them, because they have given us such great free tools,
have you thought, what it would have cost you, to pay for the free tools,
Google has give us over the years, with more to come.

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